France tells U.S.- back a global digital tax or risk others going solo

Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire wants a U.S. commitment in Davos to the international tax reform and is also pressing Washington to lift a threat of tariffs on French champagne, cheese and luxury handbags made in retaliation against France’s own digital tax.Agreement was close on a universal tax proposal drawn up by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Le Maire said, but Washington needed to take the “last step” to reach a compromise.

“The proposal on the table is the right solution. We are not far from agreement,” Le Maire told reporters after talks with OECD chief Angel Gurria. “We are asking our American friends to take the last step in the coming days.”Washington has threatened to impose duties of up to 100% on French products worth $2.4 billion after a U.Sคำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง. government investigation found the French tax would harm American technology companies.France last year applied a 3% levy on revenue from digital services earned in France by companies with revenues of more than 25 million euros ($27.78 million) in France and 750 million euros worldwide.Trump says it unfairly targets U.Sคำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง. companies, a charge Paris rejects.His administration has said that an overhaul of decades-old international tax rules must have a clause making it optional for U.S. companies. Le Maire rejected that possibility, calling it a “non-starter”, and urged Washington to back the OECD proposal as is.Gurria echoed Le Maire and said the alternatives to a thorough rewriting of international tax rules were unworkable.”A multiplication of tax regimes, a multiplication of systems, a multiplication of taxes, each with different rates and approaches, would really be unmanageable,” Gurria said. 

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